Daily Operations - Need to Know

9.02.24 Server Issues

We are in the process of migrating our entire website and communication systems over to a new server.  We've had some real trouble with our communication systems getting mis-directed onto test servers.  Because they are test servers the data is being corrupted.  Our IT has been working to move all non-corrupted emails to our working server and we will be working hard to catch up.  Please bear with us.

We apologize for the serious delays.  Thank you for your patience and understanding while we work through this challenge.

1.13.2024 Severe Weather Closing ...

ue to ice and snow we will be closed to facility operations, which includes order processing and all manufacturing.  We are experiencing hazardous road conditions that prevent our staff from coming in to work.  All communication channels will remain open, including the phone lines, as long as the services remain available.  This may interfere with the phone lines, from time to time, so please write to us via email instead.

The road conditions are expected to improve by 1.17 and we will be monitoring closely to get back in to our facility as soon as possible. 

We apologize for the delay.  We appreciate your patience and understanding.

5.13.23 USPS is now available ...

We finally have a daily pick up for USPS so you can save considerably on sample and trial orders where transit times are not as crucial.  As usual though, when the carrier fails to make the pickup they will not make another attempt.  For that reason you can assume and extra day in processing because the website only updates to shipped once the carrier has picked up the package.

3.11.23 Website Maintenance Issues ...

Unfortunately, there were some difficulties with the completion of our website migration. 

Certain features of the website will be down for most of the day while our IT works to resolve the issues.  Orders can be placed and payments captured.  However, you may not receive email confirmation of these orders.  Please write to us if that is your experience and we will have the website re-send the confirmation.
We apologize for this inconvenience and we appreciate your patience.

3.6.23 Website Maintenance Progress ...

We were not able to complete the migration as previously expected.  We will be completing the migration on Friday, March 10th and expect the process to last through Saturday, March 11th.  Again, we apologize for any inconvenience.

3.3.23  Website
Maintenance ...

Beginning Friday, March 3rd, we will be making a complete migration of the website.  This process is expected to last through Saturday, March 4th.  We expect the website to down for approximately 4 hours between the hours of 01:00 and 05:00.  We will do our best to make this transition as smooth as possible.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

2.2.23 We're back to work

Order Processing ... The icy roads persist but we have a few people who were able to make it in.  We will be working extended hours to get caught up as quickly as possible.

Cosmetic Base Processing ... The final steps have not been completed due to the continuing icy road conditions.  We now expect them to finish our lab by the end of day Monday.  We have set up temporary production capability for mid size batch production.  We are also working extended hours in production, to get caught up as quickly as possible.

1.30.23  Weather Delays ... Please Expect Delays

The entire north part of the country is experiencing severe weather, with below freezing temperatures and icy rain.  This has caused serious delays in order processing.  Most staff is not able to get to work.  We expect this to impact Tuesday and Wednesday, for certain, and possibly Thursday.  We will be working hard to get caught up as soon as we're able to resume normal operations.  

This is going to cause delays in transit times, as well.  The FedEx website will maintain constant delay updates so that you can track your packages and know what to expect, based on the travel route to your area.

This is having a negative impact on our ongoing production lab progress.  With the dangerous road conditions, in our area, the construction crews are not able to make it to the facility.  At this point the work has been put off until at least Wednesday, possibly Thursday.

We are truly sorry for these delays.  We thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

1.27.23 ... Delays continue but we do see the light at the end of the tunnel

Well, unfortunately, they were not able to get our production lab finished.  However, equipment installation is completely finished.  So, now it's just minor construction issues ...  a roof leak from the vent system, getting the city inspector to approve the gas lines, and hooking up the electricity.

1.23.23 ... Production delays continue

We regret to advise that the construction did not get finished as expected.  They were able to get a lot done.  Luckily there are only two more issues, which happen to be the most crucial, which is our venting and heating systems.  They tell us that the parts are in and they expect them to be installed and operational by the end of this week.  Since these delays have continued we have set up a small production area so that we can get small runs done.  However, large scale production is impossible until the production lab is completely finished. 

1.17.23 ... Processing back to normal, Production delays continue

We've been able to return to, almost, normal order processing and will soon be caught up and back to a three to five day turn around time.  We will still experience some delays due to continuing product shortages and staff training.  Back orders for raw materials will continue to be delayed since most producers are just coming back from their annual inventory / maintenance closing.

Our production lab is still not complete or operational.  We continue to get further back logged since we are not able to produce anything other than cold processed items.  We expect this situation to be resolved by the end of the week and we will be working over time, the following week, to get as much done as possible.  


1.3.2023  Operational Delays ...

Our facility was not ready for us.  We are going to be slow to get caught up with both regular order processing and production.
We have not been able to fully set up because the construction teams are still working and we are not able to operate in any room that has active workers.  We should be able to return to order processing within a week, or so.  However, our production lab is not even close to being operational.  They have experienced issues with both parts not being readily available and taking longer than expected to come in and staff not being available.

Please bear with us.  The relocation of any company is a huge undertaking, at any time, but the ongoing limit in supplies and labor shortages were worse than was anticipated.  We apologize for the inconvenience and we thank you for your patience. 

1.1.2022 New Legislation for Cosmetic Products...

On December 29, 2022 new legislation was passed which may apply to your cosmetics business.  MoCRA (Modernization of Cosmetics Regulatory Act of 2022) is now in effect and is one of the most comprehensive regulatory acts for cosmetic product sellers.  Please see the full listing and register if necessary.  The deadline for registering is extended to July1, 2024.  There is a quick questionare, which is a decision tool to help you to easily determine if you must register.  Both links are included above.  Please click those links for full details to ensure compliance when required.



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