Coming Up Roses Recipe

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Coming Up Roses:: Simply Smooth Skin Formula

Simple, and elegant. This formula is based on our natural emulsifier, EmulSoft. It is a beautifully textured, soft white, cream that offers a light, non-greasy, feel that delivers skin softness and radiance with a delicate scent of Rose and Jasmine.
Cream ingredients suitable for all skin types.

Multiple water phases, with polymer hydration, gives this formula a skill level of Experienced.


Phase A

Make Formula
100 g
69.0% Distilled or Purified Water
10.0% Rose Hydrosol

Gluconolactone &
Sodium Benzoate

1.0% Irish Moss
Phase B
2.5% Glycerin, Vegetable
0.3% Xanthan Gum
Phase C
5.0% EmulSoft
4.0% Caprylic Capric Triglycerides
4.0% Meadowfoam Seed Oil
1.0% Ceteryl Alcohol 70/30
2.0% Cupuacu Butter
Phase D
0.2% AT572 Gentle Jasmine


Phase A: Combine water, hydrosol, and GSB, mixing high shear, until dissolved. Continue mixing high shear and add Irish Moss.

Phase B: Combine and add to Phase A with high shear mixing. Continue mixing for 10 minutes to ensure dispersion. Begin heating to 170F.

Phase C: Combine and heat to 170, stirring to combine and distribute heat throughout ingredients. Add to Phase A with high shear mixing. Continue mixing until the emulsion forms. Begin cooling to <90F, stirring continuously, if possible, or for at least 5 minutes, every 15 minutes, until cool.

Phase D: Add when cooled to <90F.

Notes: This formula is quite thin during the emulsification step but it gets, much, thicker once cooled.
To make this cream more rich, increase the cetearyl alcohol and increase the oil phase percentage.
To make this cream thinner, increase the water phase, reducing the oil phase / butter.

You may feel free to substitute a portion, or all, of the water phase with botanical extracts, or other water soluble ingredients to make this cream your own.

Note:: Product formulations are included as illustrative examples only. Ingredients To Die For makes no representation or warranty concerning the efficacy, safety, or reliability of any product manufactured using such formulations. All statements concerning the possible use of materials available from Ingredients To Die For are for research purposes only. Ingredients To Die For is not responsible for the end use of materials sold.
